Easy and quick setting of tempo and time signature using swipe gestures
- A collection of the most frequently used time signatures in the usual form for musicians (numerator, denominator, the main beat of the tempo)
Classic tap-detector of tempo (rhythmic tap with your finger)
- Unique shake-detection of tempo (rhythmic shaking
or conducting, available on devices with a gyroscope)
- Bright, clean and simple arrow indicator with the original design, strengthened with light flashes for accurate perception of the rhythm when sound is off
The unique tempo indication function via built-in flash (on devices equipped with flash)
A set of original sound banks, reminiscent famous electronic metronomes, acoustic instruments and popular computer programs *
- Sound indication of half time (can be disabled using the mixer)
- A unique function of indication a subsidiary downbeat in complex and mixed time signatures
A unique feature of synchronized control for managing your other devices via Wi-Fi. It is irreplaceable for recording in a studio and for group rehearsals (compatible with the MIDI-clock protocol) **. The program can work as a master and as a slave device
Tempo-assistant - guide of the tempo marks signs in five languages, with the ability to search for the tempo marks, matching the current digital value, or for the choice of the tempo range of the specified tempo mark ***
Manager of the time signatures with the ability to fine-tune: the arbitrary choice of the numerator, denominator, the main beat of the tempo and subsidiary downbeat for complex and mixed time signatures. Allows you to edit an existing collection of time signatures and create new ones ****
Sound mixer that allows you to adjust the dynamics of the metronome and each beat separately ****
Preset Manager that allows you to save a unique setting of the tempo, time signature, sound bank and mixer of each piece separately. **** Presets are synchronized between your devices using iCloud® ***** storage
* Some banks available in the Essential pack
** When you purchase the Essential pack it becomes available to connect an unlimited number of clients to a single master device and the connection of any programs and devices that support MIDI-clock
*** The main screen displays the Italian tempo marks, which falls within the range of the current tempo. Advanced features are available in the Essential pack
**** Available in the Essential pack
*****iCloud is a service mark of Apple Inc.